Annexure 3 – Joint LMI project Alignment of HRD to NGP and LMI Progress update
The three presentations on this agenda have been consulted and aligned through the last TWG meeting.
Labour Market Skills Planning Mechanism –Labour Market Intelligence Partnership Project (LMIP) –HSRC to brief HRDC
TTT –Alignment of HRDSA, NGP and NDP
–They make a number of recommendations in regards to skills planning mechanisms that finds resonance with the Labour Market Skills Planning Mechanism
–The TTT advocates for a central demand side mechanism driven by DHET with a greater role for the economic departments -with a revised role for the SETAs
Skills System Review Technical Task Team Report on responses to the Ministerial Task Team on SETA performance
–They make recommendations on demand side and supply side planning and advocate for a central demand side mechanism
The DHET will take the suggestions forward in the development of the Skills Planning Mechanism.
Contact Email: Ramataboe.l@dhet.gov.za
Contact Person: Ms Lineo Ramataboe