Media Statement
Media Statement
Statement of the meeting of the Human Resource Development Council (HRDC), held at Sedibeng TVET College, Vereeniging, 08 September 2022
08 September 2022 (08h00 – 13:00pm)
The Deputy President, Honorable David Mabuza, as the Chairperson of the Human Resource Development Council (HRDC), today, 08 September 2022, chaired a successful meeting of the Council at Sedibeng TVET College, in Vereeniging. This was the first physical meeting since the lifting of the COVID-19 restrictions and of the new term of this council.
The HRDC meeting was preceded by a guided tour to the college engineering workshops, where Deputy President Mabuza, Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, other Ministers, and Deputy Ministers together with Council members had anopportunity to witness the practical work done by the mechatronics and CNC turning students. Further, the Deputy President and Council members received an overview of the College and its programmes together with an indication of industry partnerships.
The Chairperson, in his opening remarks highlighted that “Council should be rooted on strategies that will see an increase in productivity and the realisation of skills that are necessary for our country to become a knowledge and skills-based economy“. He further applauded the Sedibeng TVET College leadershipand the principal for such innovation, and hoped it inspires other institutions to follow suit in looking at other similar initiatives to expand and diversify theskills base.
The Deputy President was encouraged by partnerships that the College has entered with industry players to ensure that it aligns and tailors its training and skills offering to industry needs and that Council, to ensure that all TVET colleges have strategic partnerships with industry players across all economic sectors.
Apart from the agenda items, the meeting used the opportunity to reflect on the progress made on the HRDC Summit 2021 social compacts in addressing the dire state of the economy and hardships characterised by unemployment, poverty, and inequality.
The Co-Chairs, Mr Bheki Ntshalintshali and Ms Azola Mayekiso raised the importance of capacitation of the HRDC Secretariat to support the work of Council. The Minister, Dr Blade Nzimande assured the meeting that the capacitation issue is being looked at and will be addressed once the Department of Higher Education and Training organisational structure review is finalised.
The meeting discussed number of items on the agenda, including the Digital and Future Skills Strategy. The Strategy seeks to address the development of digital skills relevant for the 21st century in South Africa, from early childhood development to post-school education and training, in the workplace and across the entire society. This will also cater for young people who are not in employment, education or training (NEETs).
The Council received report on the implementation of the Skills Strategy towards 2030 by the Eastern Cape Province. The Council welcomed the report and reiterated the need for all provinces to present progress report of the implementation in all council meetings.
Council also received a report back on the recommendation made by the HRDC meeting of 14April 2014, to implement the Entrepreneurship in Basic Education from Grade R – 12 programme. The programme is aimed at schools to enhance the entrepreneurial capacity and instill an entrepreneurial mind-set in all learners.
Furthermore, the meeting received an update on the HRD Strategy, which was revised to ensure that it adequately responds to the current human resource development context in the country.
With regards to the proposed list of champions for the HRD Strategy goals, the Council, received progress made in revising the names of expects, with adequate skills.
The Council also received an update to the resolution made in the meeting of 08 September 2022, to strengthen the Provincial HRDCs and ensure alignment with the HRDC at national level.
In conclusion, the Council agreed on the following decisions:
Council emphasised the need for a more coordinated approach in addressing the Human Resource Development challenges of our country.
Enquiries: Sydney Mhlongo on 0824363915 or Mhlongo.s@dhet.gov.za
Issued on behalf of the Human Resource Development Council.