The HRDC Secretariat today, 29 September 2022, facilitated a successful Human Resource Development Provincial Coordination Forum (HRDPCF) quarterly meeting hosted by the Office of the Premier, in Kimberley, Northern cape.


The HRDC Secretariat today, 29 September 2022, facilitated a successful Human Resource Development Provincial Coordination Forum (HRDPCF) quarterly meeting hosted by the Office of the Premier, in Kimberley, Northern cape.


29 September 2022

The HRDC Secretariat today, 29 September 2022, facilitated a successful Human Resource Development Provincial Coordination Forum (HRDPCF) quarterly meeting hosted by the Office of the Premier, in Kimberley, Northern cape.

The HRD Provincial Coordination Forum has been established to create a link between the Human Resource Development Council (HRDC) and the Provincial Human Resource Development (HRD)activities at provincial level.

The meeting started with the Northern Cape Province presenting the human resource development key highlights of the province. It provided an update on the progress made in the implementation of HRD priorities in relation to the Northern Cape HRD Strategy and highlighted successes and challenges experienced bythe province in the reporting quarter.

The presentation highlighted a provincial plan put together to address Human Resource Development issues. The plan which includes the provincial growth development strategy emphases the need to create economic opportunities for the marginalised in the Northern Cape society, the rural, poor, women and the youth, in a coordinated manner by government. It also highlighted an integration with the District Development Model that aims to harmonize integrated development plans (IDPs) and create interrelated, interdependent and‘independent’ provincial development with concrete plans.

The Northern Cape is guided by the Provincial Human Resource Development Strategy (NCHRDS) 2020 -2030, which focuses on the people of the Northern Cape Province as its most valuable asset. The Vision of the Strategy, A skilled and capable workforce to support the Northern Cape Provincial inclusive growth path in building a Modern, Growing and Successful ProvinceThe province is in the process of re-establishing the Provincial Human Resource Development Council.

The Northern Cape is known for its rich economic provincial drive of change and create a path to prosperity, which includes mining, tourism, agriculture and manufacturing and trade amongst others.

Other presentations included, the Tsepo one million by the Office of the Premier, Gauteng province. Tshepo 1Million is a flagship Gauteng Provincial Government youth empowerment initiative designed to break down barriers for youth to participate in the economy. Its inception was in 2014 as Tshepo 500 000. It is a joint effort between government and the private sector in the province, to help create opportunities for youth in the province through the through skills training, job placement and entrepreneurship development. In closing. More funding and a strong partnership with industry is still required to address youth empowerment.

The meeting also deliberated on a presentation by the National skills Fund (NSF) on initiation, evaluation processes and priorities required to source funding for projects from the NSF. The NSF provides funding to support projects as indicated in the National Skills Development Strategy (NSDS) III and these include: 

▪ Priorities that advance the Human Resource Development Strategy of South Africa (HRDSA)
▪ Priorities that support work of the National Skills Authority (NSA)
▪ Priorities from the government’s Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF) including but not limited to the New Growth Path (NGP), Industrial Policy Action Plan (IPAP) and Rural Development Strategy.
▪ Priorities related to the achievement of the purposes of the Skills Development Act as the Director-General of Higher Education and Training determines, and 
▪ Priorities related to the provision of skills infrastructure.

The eligibility criteria for applicants for funding and application processes for the fund were shared with delegates.

The forum also noted that all Provinces wereprogressing well in the implementing the HRD Strategy and funding was acknowledged as a common challenge to all provinces. Members were also requested to send their inputs to the Secretariat on how the Provincial Councils should be strengthened and effectively aligned with the HRDC

Furthmore, the forum applauded the good work done by the KwaZulu-Natal Province during the Early Childhooddevelopment Indaba. Provinces were encouraged to take the lessons learned from the implementation of the Indaba.

The HRDPCF ended with a guided tour to the Urban TVET CollegeMoremogolo Campus artisan development workshops, where the Chairperson, together with provincial representatives had an opportunity to witness the practical work done by thecarpentry, plumbing and construction students.

The next HRDPCF will be hosted by Gauteng Province.


MSydney Mhlongo


Tel: 012 943 3186

Issued by Human Resource Development Council of South Africa Secretariat

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