Artisan and Technical Development

Artisan and Technical Development

Artisan and Technical Development


Problem Statement:

The core focus of the Artisan and Technician Development Technical Task Team was to build collaboration and facilitate processes between the Department of Higher Education and Training and the artisan and technician development community to increase the capacity, quality and relevance of the development of artisans and technicians in South Africa.


Key Stages:

The Artisan and Technician Technical Task Team accomplished its brief in terms of what was set out by Council. The TTT has now turned into a Monitoring and Evaluation Committee, monitoring progress on:

  • Single guaranteed Funding and Learner Administration model for all artisan trades applicable to all sectors
  • Artisan Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) system that is focused on supporting persons who are working as support workers in the engineering field to become certificated
  • Detailed, accurate, current data for artisan trade prioritisation, workplaces and placement, scientific target setting and monitoring and evaluation

The Human Resource Development Council endorsed the three models as well as the development of full-time dedicated Recognition of Prior Learning Advisors at its meeting of 15 June 2012.

Download reports here:

NAD FLA Policy 1 April 2013

NAD FLA Policy Approval Letter from Minister