Skills System Review

Skills System Review

Skills System Review


Problem Statement:

The review of the Sector Skills Plans (SSPs) for the period 2010/11 was finalised by the Department of Higher Education and Training and the review report was presented to the HRD Council in April 2011. The review revealed a number of serious challenges in relation to the capacity of SETAs to compile the SSPs.

At the same time, the Council recommended a complete review of the skills delivery institutional mechanism in order to determine its effectiveness and its ability to support delivery of HRDSA targets and commitments and to also ascertain whether the sector-based approach was the appropriate mechanism to deliver on skills.

In the process of doing this work, the work of the Ministerial Task Team on SETA Performance as well as other studies that were undertaken in relation to the South African Skills System were taken into consideration.

A mini research on an international perspective on Skills Councils was conducted in an effort to strengthen the recommendations of final research report of the review. Download below to see the Report on international perspective: Search for best practice

Download below the final Report on Skills System Review:

Skills System Review Report (5 Dec 2013)