A Personal Perspective on the Challenges Facing HRDC

A Personal Perspective on the Challenges Facing HRDC

A Personal Perspective on the Challenges Facing Human Resource Development Council For South Africa (HRDC), on Youth Unemployment

As a follow up to our January opinion piece, I believed that staying with youth unemployment was a good idea since it is such a huge issue in our country. It will be my endeavour in this paper to put forward the counter prevailing view concerning issues relating to youth unemployment and the obstacles confronting the south African economy. First, contrary to the view that the economy is constrained by poor level of quality labour, skills and training as routinely outlined in the local news papers, press and the media. Such a claim may not be true, or at least difficult to verify. In fact, if anything, evidence suggests employers, both private an public ought to be far more imaginative and afford the young unemployed opportunities to access work base training and apprenticeships as there is no such thing as a ’perfect job ready employee or candidate’.

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