The need for a robust HRD strategy is still as prevalent in South Africa today as it was at the beginning of our democracy …
Towards the end of 2010, the HRD Council approved a Five-Point Implementation Plan based on the eight commitments of the …
In March 2011, the HRDC established the foundational Learning Technical Task Team (TTT) to identify backlog in the …
In South Africa it is estimated that 73% of all workers are employed by firms with less than 50 employees; and that 45% …
About us
Human Resource Development Council of South Africa (HRDC)
About us
We are the Human Resource Development Council of South Africa (HRDC), a national advisory body led and supervised by the office of the Deputy President of South Africa )
Our Aims and Objectives
To increase productivity and the human resource development needed to successfully transform South Africa into a knowledge economy.
To substantively improve national economic growth and development through the improved competitiveness of the South African economy.
Our Governance Structure
Government, civil society sectors, organised business, professional bodies, higher education institutions and more are all represented in the Human Resources Development Council.